You can have the cheapest Canon DSLR camera you can buy and if you a great lens, you can still get AMAZING photos.
Recently I was helping someone purchase a new camera for a beginner and I suggested the new Canon EOX Rebel SL2. This camera is packed with great features like the same 24mp sensor my camera has, legendary Dual Pixel Auto Focus, and a small footprint...
You can have the cheapest Canon DSLR camera you can buy and if you a great lens, you can still get AMAZING photos.
Recently I was helping someone purchase a new camera for a beginner and I suggested the new Canon EOX Rebel SL2. This camera is packed with great features like the same 24mp sensor my camera has, legendary Dual Pixel Auto Focus, and a small footprint... for about $500.
Even with an entry level camera you can take amazing photos. The big difference is what lens you are working with. If you buy a camera with the typical 18-55mm, you can expect to get good quality photos, but you have to work hard to achieve outstanding creative photos.
Instead of buying a kit with a lens, I suggested buying just the camera body and buying 1 lens.
Introducing... the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM.
What? A prime (a lens that doesn't zoom) lens?? One focal length? how limiting... Although I do agree with the fact that a prime lens limits you, there are several reasons I would suggest this 50mm lens (also known as the nifty fifty) over buying a kit.
NOTE: the ONLY reason I would buy a kit with an 18-55mm is if it was the same price or cheaper than just a body.
Here's a few reasons why I would suggest this over ANY kit lens
You can pick this lens up for around $125 new or less than $100 refurbished (I always suggest refurbished). That's such a deal for any lens, let alone a quality lens like this one!
Another advantage of this lens' price is you won't be afraid to use it. This lens is mostly plastic, but that keeps the weight down. One of my lenses is over 3 lbs, and if you are carrying that around all day, you will feel the weight of your camera setup. With this 50mm, its light, small and easily replaceable if something were to happen to it.
Focal length
Although this is a prime, I don't think that's a bad thing. When I first started using my kit lens when I was zooming in and zooming out, having no idea what I was really doing. I was playing with my shutter speed and my aperture... When you start with a prime, it takes one of the equations out of the puzzle. You can only shoot at 50mm. This helps the beginner get used to their digital camera with one less setting to get confused.
If you've had your camera for awhile, maybe with either the 18-55 or 18-135 kit lens and your ready to step up your photography, this lens should be your first prime lens. 50mm is a great size, especially on a full frame. On a crop sensor it's a little tight, but what I love about 50 is it makes you think through your composition. How can you get everything you want in your frame without zooming in or zooming out? Zoom with your feet! Because you only have one focal length, you will start thinking through your shot more because you can't easily jump from 18-55... or 135 so easily.
50mm is a great focal length as far as depth perception as well. If you aren't aware, focal lengths effect your photos two different ways. Obviously they zoom in, the bigger the focal length, the more it zooms in. The second thing it does is change the depth perception. If you have a small focal length (18mm), a 15 foot pier will look much, much longer than 15 feet. 50mm is a great balance and has close to the same view as our eyes (typically in between 35-50mm).
Seriously? f1.8 for a hundred bucks?? Incredible! Aperture has two different effects on photographs. First, as you lower aperture it lets more light into the camera. This is a big help for low light situations. This helps keep your ISO down, helping you have the best quality photo you can have. The second thing aperture does is adjusts your depth of field. At a high aperture or F stop (like f18), your focus plane is essentially the entire photograph. As you lower the aperture, your focus plane narrows, helping create depth of field (blurry background). F1.8 is extremely low! It's so low you have to be careful your subject is entirely in focus. If your subject leans forward slightly, they will be out of focus. BUT, thats how you create incredible blurry backgrounds. This can take your photos from amateur looking to breath taking!
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM
Your gear doesn't make you a creative, but choosing the right gear for the right situation will make it much easier to help create the best content you can. I highly suggest every photographer have this lightweight, inexpensive lens in their kit!
Here's two More entry level lenS!
2018 Reading List
With the New Year approaching, everyone is discussing their plans for self improvement. One of the ways I am constantly developing myself is by reading. If you consider yourself a creative, YOU HAVE TO BE READING. This is a very simple way to stay fresh and relevant. I've listed 5 books I have on my reading list for 2018. Feel free to join me reading these books throughout the next year!...
With the New Year approaching, everyone is discussing their plans for self improvement. One of the ways I am constantly developing myself is by reading. If you consider yourself a creative, YOU HAVE TO BE READING. This is a very simple way to stay fresh and relevant. I've listed 5 books I have on my reading list for 2018. Feel free to join me reading these books throughout the next year!
BONUS: I added a 6th book with several creative excercises to help you strengthen your creativity. I've never used this book, but I've often found myself wondering if there was a resource like this out there... well, there is!
1. THE WAR OF ART by Art Pressfield.
A succinct, engaging, and practical guide for succeeding in any creative sphere, The War of Art is nothing less than Sun-Tzu for the soul. What keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? Why is there a naysayer within? How can we avoid the roadblocks of any creative endeavor—be it starting up a dream business venture, writing a novel, or painting a masterpiece? Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success.
The War of Art emphasizes the resolve needed to recognize and overcome the obstacles of ambition and then effectively shows how to reach the highest level of creative discipline. Think of it as tough love . . . for yourself. Whether an artist, writer or business person, this simple, personal, and no-nonsense book will inspire you to seize the potential of your life.
2. Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Art HUGH MACLEOD.
When Hugh MacLeod was a struggling young copywriter living in a YMCA, he started to doodle on the backs of business cards while sitting at a bar. Those cartoons eventually led to a popular blog-gapingvoid.com-and a reputation for pithy insight and humor, in both words and pictures. MacLeod has opinions on everything from marketing to the meaning of life, but one of his main subjects is creativity. How do new ideas emerge in a cynical, risk-averse world? Where does inspiration come from? What does it take to make a living as a creative person? Ignore Everybody expands on MacLeod's sharpest insights, wittiest cartoons, and most useful advice. For example: -Selling out is harder than it looks. Diluting your product to make it more commercial will just make people like it less. -If your plan depends on you suddenly being "discovered" by some big shot, your plan will probably fail. Nobody suddenly discovers anything.
Things are made slowly and in pain. -Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether. There's no point trying to do the same thing as 250,000 other young hopefuls, waiting for a miracle. All existing business models are wrong. Find a new one. -The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours. The sovereignty you have over your work will inspire far more people than the actual content ever will. After learning MacLeod's forty keys to creativity, you will be ready to unlock your own brilliance and unleash it on the world.
3.Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and Risk by Jordan Raynor.
We were created by an infinitely creative God to reflect his love and character to the world. One way we do that is by continuing his creative work. In this energizing book, serial entrepreneur and bestselling author Jordan Raynor helps artists, entrepreneurs, writers, and other creatives reimagine our work as service to God and others, addressing such penetrating questions as
- Is my work as a creative really as God-honoring as that of a pastor or missionary?
- What does it look like to create not to make a name for myself but to glorify God and serve others?
- How can I use my work to fulfill Jesus's command to create disciples?
- Will what I make today matter in eternity?
To answer these questions, Raynor shares compelling stories from an eclectic group of 40+ Christian entrepreneurs, including the founders of TOMS Shoes, Charity: Water, Chick-fil-A, In-N-Out Burger, Guinness, HTC, and Sevenly, as well as nontraditional entrepreneurs such as C. S. Lewis, Johann Sebastian Bach, and J. R. R. Tolkien. Raynor's "show" rather than "tell," story-driven style makes you feel as if you are sitting at the feet of some of the godliest and most successful entrepreneurs of all time.
Perfectly poised to reach today's growing creative class, this unique work restores God's position as the first entrepreneur, helping readers see the eternal value in the work they do today.
4. Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory by Tod Bolsinger.
Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. While they had prepared to find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean, instead they found themselves in the Rocky Mountains. You too may feel that you are leading in a cultural context you were not expecting. You may even feel that your training holds you back more often than it carries you along.
Drawing from his extensive experience as a pastor and consultant, Tod Bolsinger brings decades of expertise in guiding churches and organizations through uncharted territory. He offers a combination of illuminating insights and practical tools to help you reimagine what effective leadership looks like in our rapidly changing world.
If youre going to scale the mountains of ministry, you need to leave behind canoes and find new navigational tools. Reading this book will set you on the right course to lead with confidence and courage.
5.Creating Space: The Case for Everyday Creativity by ED CYzewski.
Creativity is a gift everyone has been given to share, but doubt, discouragement, and distractions hinder the ability of many to pursue their creative passions. Creating Space advocates for the creative gifts in every person, arguing that...
- Creativity is not a mistake.
- Creativity can be developed.
- Creativity is a vitally important gift for others.
This brief manifesto on creativity is for everyone. Whether you doodle, sing in the shower, knit scarves, or scribble poems, Creating Space will encourage you to make space in your life in order to fulfill your creative calling, using your gifts to their fullest extent.
Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills by David Sherwin.
Have you ever struggled to complete a design project on time? Or felt that having a tight deadline stifled your capacity for maximum creativity? If so, then this book is for you.
Within these pages, you'll find 80 creative challenges that will help you achieve a breadth of stronger design solutions, in various media, within any set time period. Exercises range from creating a typeface in an hour to designing a paper robot in an afternoon to designing web pages and other interactive experiences. Each exercise includes compelling visual solutions from other designers and background stories to help you increase your capacity to innovate.
Creative Workshop also includes useful brainstorming techniques and wisdom from some of today's top designers. By road-testing these techniques as you attempt each challenge, you'll find new and more effective ways to solve tough design problems and bring your solutions to vibrant life.
What books are you reading in 2018? Comment below!
How to: Get Better...
The past few months have been a whirlwind for my creative skill. There's no doubt I've taken HUGE steps in creative growth recently. I have noticed there's been a huge difference in the quality of photos and videos I've been creating lately. How exciting! But how have I gotten so much better?...
The past few months have been a whirlwind for my creative skill. There's no doubt I've taken HUGE steps in creative growth recently. I have noticed there's been a huge difference in the quality of photos and videos I've been creating. How exciting! But how have I gotten so much better? One could say I'm just a talented person, one could say I've just gotten a lucky shot... The truth is, there are specific reasons why I have grown creatively lately. Although you can grow by accident, I've found if you apply these 3 things in your life, you will see exponential growth, faster than you have ever seen before. Let me share them with you!
Get More Experience
by doing more...
This is kind of a no brainer... If you want to take better photographs, you have to take more photographs. If you want to get better at guitar... you have to play more guitar. If you want to write better, you have to write more words. There are times in my life when I just feel bored with creativity. In those moments it's most important for me to get out my camera and take pictures. There are times when I feel like I am stuck playing the same few chords. In those moments I need to play more guitar. When we get bored with what we are doing, but still force ourselves to keep going, we find new ways to "do." You'll learn new chords, you'll find new angles, you'll work with new words. If, once you get bored, you stop creating two things happen. One: your axe gets dull and you have to work harder (or resharpen it). and Two: you have robbed yourself of an opportunity to learn something new, therefore, putting yourself further back than what you were before you set your axe down. Bottom line: force yourself to keep going when it gets boring. I guarantee you, you will be happy with the results.
Surround Yourself
with people who are more talented than you
Surround yourself with people who are more talented than yourself
In the beginning of 2017, I was in a situation where I set creative bar. It was up to me to come up with new ideas and push the envelope when it came to creativity. I felt I was making strides in my own personal creativity and was happy with the results I was seeing. Here we are at the end of 2017 and I am in a completely different situation surrounded with people who are way more talented than myself. I work in a church on a team with several members who are stuffed with talent. I personally have never been in this situation. I have always been part of small organizations and I was the driving force of my own creativity. Now, I work with a large specialized team, and also have experience outside of the church working next to filmmakers who have an unbelievable amount of talent. This has pushed me in two different ways:
1. I am learning like crazy from them. Obviously, just working next to others you gain insight by the way they accomplish things. Simple things like how they organize their workflow all the way to particular ways to do certain specific tasks. Every day I am learning new skills from them, making me raise my bar.
2. Because I am surrounded with people more talented than myself, I have noticed I am subconsciously forcing myself to produce better content. It's a weird experience for me to think of myself not as talented as those around me. Although I have been in rooms filled with people smarter than me before, I have never felt the urge to push myself to my own personal limits. I think I have said I was but it just wasn't the truth. I think the difference now is I have some how surrounded myself with people who are very likeminded and I want to be able to make sure I am pulling my own weight. In doing this, I have noticed my content has taken a jump in quality without formally learning new information. This doesn't only apply to my content at work, but all of my creative content has taken a bump in quality.
It's pretty crazy the power others can have in our lives. I have never felt belittled around these talented people I get to spend time with, if anything I feel they give me more credit than I deserve, but I still push myself to strive farther than I ever have. Although it is completely up to yourself to see personal growth, if you can find a few people who are near the same skill level or slightly higher in your field to spend time with and "talk shop," I promise you will see higher quality in your content.
Find something
you can't do, and do it!
This is a big one. And a simple one. Simply look at someone else's work and say "how did they do that?" Figure it out, and do it! There's plenty of times when I am watching a Youtube Vlogger or tutorial and wonder just how they "did that" and I will then research how to do a certain effect, or get a certain shot, or find a certain angle. By doing this I now have that skill in my toolbox I can store away for the perfect moment. When the time is right, I will remember copying the idea and then add elements of the idea to my creative content. It's a simple process but before you can add that skill into your toolbox, you need to spend time replicating someone else's process so you can make it your own. Try it out. Find a piece of music you couldn't already play and replicate it. Watch for a commercial where you wonder how did they make that motion graphic, and research it until you can do it. Actually do it. Get in After Effects and spend the hour on that 2 second motion graphic. You can do it. Figure it out! Don't let your limitations limit your creativity. Just get it done.
A Few Extra Tips
Here's a few extra things I've learned over the past few months.
TV IS A TIMESUCK - I've realized that you can sit in front o f a tv and lose 5 hours of your life without even trying. As much as you think it's a way for you to unwind, you are really just wasting your life. Find a new way to unwind: read a book, listen to a new album, spend time with your family, spend time with yourself, read your Bible, organize something, build something, get some rest, go to sleep. Seriously, this is coming from someone who makes videos for a living. Don't get sucked into sitting in front of a screen for several hours at a time, wasting your life. Your time is worth more than that to you.
TAKE NOTES ON WHAT THE WORLD IS SHOWING YOU - I am always trying to find new ways to look at life. If you see a photograph you like, note it. If you see a graphic that catches your eye, note it. If you hear a piece of music you like, note it. Make sure you are paying attention to the creation around you. You'll be surprised just how inspired you can be from what is happening around you!
GEAR WILL NOT MAKE YOU BETTER - As much as I LOVE new gear, it will not improve my game. In fact, I think it may be a hinderance to growth. Hear me out: when I get new gear I get distracted by the shiny new buttons and forget about the skill. Most of the time when I get a new lens, I actually see a drop in quality in my photos for awhile because I'm more focused on the new toy than I am with the skill of taking photos. Also, whenever you add a new piece of gear to your tool belt, it takes a period of time for you to get acquainted with how the piece of equipment can be used in your process. Now, that being said... new gear is essential for growth. The better your gear, the easier it is for you to create quality content. BUT don't let the gear blind you of the creative process of your craft. Example. I recently started working at a new job with lots of new toys I had never played with before. It's taken me months to get acquainted with the equipment. I finally am just starting to get to the point where I am able to subconsciously make the adjustments I need to make in the real world situations. As time goes on, I am more comfortable with the equipment and can use the gear to help me tell the story better. Bottom line, don't go buy something new and expect to see a huge improvement. Instead, use what you have and make people wonder how you got such quality content out of such subpar equipment.
MAKE SURE YOU ARE CONSTANTLY POURING INTO YOURSELF - This is a common theme for me. If I stop learning, I stop growing. Make sure you have a constant intake of fresh information. There's several ways how I accomplish this. Youtube is one of them (not pointless youtube of bears juggling bunnies, But those are fun too...) Find people on Youtube who can help you improve. Make sure you are reading. Make sure you are getting plenty of rest. I have several ideas come to me because I am well rested.
At the end of the day, the only person who can help you get better is yourself so get at it!
If you haven't read the book "Oh, the places you'll go!" by Dr. Suess lately, you should. Seriously.
“And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)
be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O’Shea,
You’re off the Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!”
Every year I get to go on a motorcycle adventure with a few of the men in my family. This past summer we spent 2 weeks touring Wyoming together. I finally got around to putting together some of the footage I took into a short film highlighting some of what we saw!
(For optimal page layout, turn mobile devices horizontal)
Every year I get to go on a motorcycle adventure with a few of the men in my family. This past summer we spent 2 weeks touring Wyoming together. I finally got around to putting together some of the footage I took into a short film highlighting some of what we saw!
Heres a few of the photographs I snapped on the trip too!
Graphic Design 101
Social media has changed the way we do life. If we want to share a thought or idea on our favorite social media site, boring words no longer are attractive. Facebook has started letting you create images with text on them to emphasize your point...
Social media has changed the way we do life. If we want to share a thought or idea on our favorite social media site, boring words no longer are attractive. Facebook has started letting you create images with text on them to emphasize your point. YouVersion Bible app lets you make images inside the app of verses you love. Instagram now lets you write on top of the picture you just took. This is essentially graphic design.
“Graphic Design /ˈɡrafik dəˈzīn,dēˈzīn/
the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books.
Working in the church, I have always had to make graphics. It is something I love and enjoy doing. There's something fulfilling when I create a great graphic blending text, font and images to display the theme or thought to it's next level. In a sense you are being a visual storyteller. In all honesty, it isn't very hard to make good looking graphics as long as you have a decent eye and you pay attention to a few guidelines. I thought I'd share a few things I've learned over the years working with high productivity apps like Photoshop and Illustrator. NOTE: most of these tips will be geared toward creating graphics for churches or social media promotions. Obviously, if you are creating a folding 3 page brochure, hopefully you have tackled some of these easy ideas already, or maybe they will be a good reminder for you.
In the world we live in today, most people do not need professional apps like Photoshop to make a graphic to share on the web. There's tons of choices of fun apps that give you everything but the text. Some apps you have to pay for each graphic, some you don't. Font Candy is a great example. Another great example is ReType (one of my favorites). Canva is another popular app. All you have to do is type in your message and it generates backgrounds or pictures and arranges the font in a fun order. If you already have an idea of a graphic you want to make, I suggest you use Keynote on your IOS device or Mac. Keynote is a very powerful app when it comes to graphic design. Design a slide and export it as an image and you are good to go.
Now, on to the main core elements of graphic design:
Step 1: The concept
Everything inside your graphic says something. Whether it's a person, or a color, it's all saying something. The first step to designing a graphic is to think through exactly what you want to say in your graphic. What mood do you want it to have? What is the main idea of the graphic? What are you trying to accomplish? Who is your audience? What is the call to action?
A few tips on the concept:
1. Focus on what you want the viewer to do (ex. go to my website). If the image is just for creative enjoyment, what do you want the viewer to feel? (ex. wow, thats a beautiful verse).
2. Dial in either your style. Everything in your graphic describes your style. Think through every aspect and what it style it is depicting. (crayon fonts are childish, etc). Even if you like them, certain aspects of your graphics will not work with your concept. Always keep your concept in your mind while working through the graphic.
3. If you are making a graphic for your church, remember your church's branding (digital identity). What are their colors? Will your concept match their logo?
Step 2: The Background
Once you have your concept, I almost always start with the background. Take a photo, select an image, or create a color/texture that will help portray your concept.
A few tips on backgrounds:
1. Empty space is a big part of creating a clean looking graphic. Don't select a cluttered image
2. A small trick to hiding your background is to add a black box over the entire image and lower the opacity until the text stands out (see "What's your story" example above).
3. If the background doesn't connect to the main concept, it's time for a new background
4. Simplicity is very popular right now.
5. Gradients are HUGE in 2017. Look at your phone, so many of your app icons are gradients (Instagram, Vimeo, All of the Apple apps, Nest, Facebook). Here's a cool website that helps you pick out good looking gradients.
6. Remember the moods of color.
Step 3: The Text
The font you use is almost as important as the text itself. Fonts can date a graphic faster than anything. When you are thinking of which font you want to use, make sure it matches everything else in your concept.
A few tips on Text and font:
1. If you haven't already, do some research on font classifications. It will help you understand what emotion a font describes.
2. Only use 2 types of fonts in your graphic (besides your logo). Typically I'll find a thick font and a thin font to accent. Usually you can find a second font in the same family.
3. Use size to emphasize your point. This will add dynamics to your image.
4. Look at other images and logos to see what fonts are popular right now. Try and recreate a look of another image to expand your experience and bag of tricks.
5. Find a font you love and use it instead of trying to find a new font every time.
6. Never ever stretch a font. gross. Change the size if you are trying to match it up.
Step 4: Arrangement
This is where your graphic all comes together. Once you have your background and font/text, take time and layout your image.
A few tips on Arrangement:
1. If you haven't heard of the rule of thirds, this is a must. Use this in both your background and your text.
2. The biggest problem with most graphics is space. If you think your graphic is too crowded, figure out what doesn't need to be in the in the graphic.
3. Let it set. Create the final product, and then come back to it in 24 hours. You'll see what you don't like. If you don't have the time, ask someone else or compare it next to another graphic.
Obviously, there is much more to graphic design, but these will help you get started on making great graphics. The key is experience. Start with what you know and improve by replicating what you see. Take a picture of a good looking graphic at Starbucks and try and replicate it when you get home with your concept. Here's a link to some of the other graphics I've made. If you ever have a question of how I created something, feel free to ask!
What are some of your favorite design tips?
"It's raining," "We don't have that kind of money for a stage display," "I only have a iPhone camera..."
There will always be limitations. Whether we are part of an organization or just trying to get through the day, we constantly can find roadblocks ready to stop us in our creativity. I am currently reading a great...
"It's raining,"
"We don't have that kind of money for a stage display,"
"I only have a iPhone camera..."
There will always be limitations. Whether we are part of an organization or just trying to get through the day, we constantly can find roadblocks ready to stop us in our creativity. I am currently reading a great book "Created for more: 30 days to seeing your world in a new way" by Jonathan Malm. Every chapter has a theme to "help awaken the spiritual act of creativity within [us]." His main point in the second chapter: limitations force creative solutions. The second I read that it hit me. This has been true my entire creative life! AND typically when I run into a limitation, I have the freedom to be more creative! After spending some time with this idea, I thought I would share some major limitations I have come across and how we can overcome them.
Ah, Resources. Gear, Money, Budgets. "If only I had..." story of my life. No matter what creative channel I am working in, this limitation ALWAYS comes up. When I first started getting into electric guitar, I became obsessed with new pedals! I thought if I would only have "___" pedal, I could have an amazing sound. It got to the point where I had such a huge pedal board I could hardly carry it. I ended up downsizing and keeping what I really needed.
The best way to battle the limitation of not having the resources you need is to maximize the resources you have. If you have a budget you get to work with at your church, figure out how to stretch that budget into ways you never thought possible. Don't forget you can look around and, if possible, sell some of the resources you haven't used in years. I think this is being a good steward with what you have.
Another way to maximize your resources is to push their limits to the max. Going back to when I started building my pedal board, I actually was using an iPad to drive many of the pedals I needed. I built a bluetooth unit with pedals to send cues to my iPad so it was if I had the pedals on my pedalboard, but used all of the horsepower from the iPad to drive the sounds I needed. I was able to have an amazing amount of sound at my fingertips for the fraction of the cost if I were to buy all of the pedals individually. Eventually I was able to save up and purchase specific pedals for specific needs, but this was a great way to get me started without having to purchase several hundred dollars worth of pedals and use what I already had.
Another example of this is to use everyday items to fill the gap. Example: when we first started getting into video at Evident Church, we didn't have all the money upfront to dump into fancy equipment. If you know anything about video, there are several key components that are mandatory. One - a good camera, two - great sounding audio, three - lighting, lighting lighting! Obviously I wasn't able to purchase top of the line gear right away so we worked with what we had. I purchased a consumer DSLR camera with a kit lens, used an audio interface with an old mic we had laying around, and used some ikea lights we used for ambient lighting in our Headquarters. Believe it or not, we were able to create some pretty incredible videos without purchasing very much.
If you can perform at a professional level with amateur gear, just think what will happen when you have professional gear to work with! Every time I purchased a new pedal I tried to push that specific pedal to it's maximum potential. Every time I ran into a roadblock where I needed a new piece of equipment, I first used what I had. Maximize the resources you have available at your fingertips to jump over this limitation.
It's easy to get hung up on not having the people you need. I was just recently at a large church talking with the worship team and they said they didn't have the musicians they need so they bring in someone outside the church. People can absolutely be a limitation. So what do we do?
If we want to overcome the limitation of not having the people we need, use the people you have! I don't mean run the same few people you have into the ground. Look around at your people and think about who you can invest in.
When I started at Evident, the worship ministry was small.... like 3 people. That's too small. The same few people were playing every weekend and it still wasn't enough. The first thing we had to do was lower our standard of excellence. That doesn't mean we sacrifice quality for quantity, it just means we have to look at what is most important. For me, having more people involved in a worship ministry is more important than creating a rockstar band that never hits a wrong note.
As I started to get to know the people at Evident, I would hear of people who may have had some musical experience in their past. I would first start to build a friendship with them, then help them develop their skill, and then add them to the team! Within just a few short months our 3 people turned into about 10-12. On Christmas Eve we had a full stage of musicians!
No matter what your situation is, there are people you know you can develop and train. Don't look for the same people who do everything, try and find someone who is ready to get involved, and has potential. They are out there, waiting for their shoulder to be tapped.
This is my favorite limitation! I know that sounds funny, but I love running into a roadblock where I have no choice but to figure out how it works. Whether I am working on my motorcycle, trying to figure out how someone did a transition in Premiere Pro, or learning a new riff on electric guitar, we live in the age of information. We seriously have all the information we need to do anything!
Here's a few resources I use to learn:
Youtube.... duh... Seriously. so. much. information. Sort through the junk and learn like crazy!
Skillshare - This is a great resource for creatives. There's a small fee, but you can usually find a code. I think I paid $50 for a whole year. I would recommend this website. There's lots of classes for specific skills. Invest a little and harvest much.
PremiumBeat - This is a great website for video and editing. Lots of great blog posts and links to free content. This blog may not be for you but there are several out there for your specific need. search google for what you need.
facebook - Believe it or not... Facebook has a great support of creative people who want to do more than share photos of their kids or silly memes. There's a million different groups on Facebook full of others who have the same passions as you. I am in a group called "Canon 80D." This group is devoted to people who have the same camera I do and they share what they are doing with it. These groups have a wealth of information, all you have to do is join the group that suits you and use Facebook to learn.
Pinterest - I use Pinterest for two things: 1. learning information about a specific topic or 2. find creative ideas to help me overcome limitations. This site originally was designed primarily for females, but it has changed. I suggest it for every creative!
Time. Time is amazing. No matter what, I don't have enough time. I currently am unemployed and somehow STILL don't have enough time to do what I want to do. There is only one way to overcome the limitation of time: fit the big rocks in first. Have you ever seen the example of someone filling half a bottle full of sand, then stones, and then large rocks? The rocks never fit. BUT if you fit the big rocks in first, add the small stones in between, add sand in AND pour water in after the sand, you actually fit more in than before!
Figure out what your priorities are and get them on your schedule. If you really want to overcome the limitation of time, you have to prioritize what is important in your life. Once you get what's important in your schedule, everything else will fit in between.
At the end of every chapter, Malm adds a challenge. Here it is:
“Choose one project you’re working on. Then cut your resources for that project in half. Move your deadline closer. Cut the budget. Remove some technological resources. Create some limitations. Now think creatively. Look for unique ways to accomplish the same goal. Decide what’s really necessary for the project. You’ll find many of the resources were unnecessary for accomplishing your goal.”
At the end of the day, you can overcome any limitation if it means enough to you. In every area of our life we run into limitations and you have to choose what is most important to you.
What limitations have you ran into that I didn't discuss? How do you overcome them?
Maintaining Your Creativity
There is no doubt creativity drains. At least for me... and every other creative I have talked to. At some point in your creative life, you will run out of fuel and need to refill it. Over past few years I have noticed an intense drain on my creativity...
There is no doubt creativity drains. At least for me... and every other creative I have talked to. At some point in your creative life, you will run out of fuel and need to refill it. Over past few years I have noticed an intense drain on my creativity. I've had so much output: music, worship services, graphics, video, photography, the daily grind. When you realize it's hard to produce quality creativity or you have a hard time getting excited about your passion and skill, it's probably time to go into maintenance mode. Even though you are in maintenance mode, it doesn't mean you can't create, it means you have to be aware of your creativity capacity. Here's a few things I do to nurture my creativity.
1. sleep and rest
You know your body more than anyone. Make sure you are getting the sleep you need. I personally can run on about 6-7 hours of sleep every night without feeling drained. I know others who need 4, and others who need 8+. Find out what you need and make it a priority.
Resting is different than sleep. We live in a world without margins. We wake up and our feet hit the ground and off we go with not a minute to waste. You can be getting your preferred amount of sleep and still be creatively drained if you are not taking time to rest. Make sure you are building margins in your life to sit and reflect on what is happening around you and what God is trying to say to you.
It doesn't have to be extensive. Put the kids to bed and before you start working again, or put on the tv, or your list of chores to get done before bed, grab a chair and sit outside and listen to the birds sing. If you absolutely have no time to give, you need to re-evaluate your schedule and potentially your life. Margin is an important part of the creative process. It's an important part of living a healthy life regardless. If you have no margin, God can't use you the way He should be.
2. get away
One of the best things I can do to recharge is change the scenery. Whether you spend your time at home, in an office cubicle, or in a open workspace, looking at the same walls sucks the creativity out of you. Find a time to get away. For me, I find it most helpful to find some sort of moving water and plant a seat near it. Hearing the water move past me refuels my creativity for some reason. Find your happy spot. Figure out what works for you.
Also, when you are constantly in the same places, you can get in a creative rut. Try crafting your skill in a new location. Shoot photographs somewhere you never have been before, take your acoustic with you on vacation, unplug your MacBook from your monitor and sit on the deck. Sometimes it even helps to switch seats in the same room! If you can't take your workspace with you, improvise.
Some of my best photography is in new places. I love being able to try and capture that feeling I am feeling while I'm there in just one frame. It can be a challenge, but it's also a creativity boost. Don't confine yourself to 4 walls, it will kill your creativity.
3. Learn
Have you ever noticed all of your graphics use the same font... or maybe all of your paintings use the same colors, or all of your photographs have a similar technique, or maybe you are stuck using the same chord progressions?
One of the ways to break out of a creative rut is to learn what others are doing. I've been obsessed with Peter McKinnon lately. Besides being super A.D.D. which helps keep my attention through a 10 min. video (pathetic I know), he has a great way of sharing different techniques I can use in photography and video. This guy has so much experience!
Find someone who you can learn from on youtube, or skillshare, creative live, vimeo or whatever and go to town. We live in the digital age with so much knowledge at our fingertips. Crack into it, find a new technique and have at it. Trying something new always gets me excited about getting back out there and creating something new.
It doesn't have to be a video, sometimes you can find great information and transforming thoughts in books. A book that revolutionized my creative thinking and indirectly pushed me to move on from my most recent job is Pursing Christ. Creating Art. This book challenged my "status quo" perspective and pushed me to give my best to Jesus. I strongly suggest this book if you are struggling with your purpose or creativity.
4. relationships
Remember this equation: Relationships > Everything. Period. If you want to more creative you have to spend time with others. If you are ever in a drought, grab a buddy and find out how they are being creative, or better yet, ask them to help you with your project. I guarantee you if you work on collaborating with others, your creativity with thrive. If you struggle with collaboration, this is top priority to work on. Surrounding yourself with the right people, with other people, will boost your creativity to new levels.
Bottom line, we are all creatives. Just like in your car, if you let the fuel gauge get too low, you won't go anywhere. It's no different with your creativity. Remember to maintain your creativity and you will be a happier person!
What do you do to maintain your creativity that isn't on this list? Feel free to comment below.
Your first video...
Recently I was at a conference and a company decided to make a video to support their point. Awesome! In the world we live in, video is a powerful tool and we have all sorts of great equipment available at the tips of our fingers...
Recently I was at a conference and a company decided to make a video to support their point. Awesome! In the world we live in, video is a powerful tool and we have all sorts of great equipment available at the tips of our fingers. I recently watched a YouTube video where someone was comparing my main DSLR shooter to an iPhone 7 Plus. The crazy part is, the iPhone kept up surprisingly well with the DSLR in the right circumstances!
Maybe your church is exploring video announcements, or you would like to make a recap of your vacation to share with your family, or some other creative idea you have in your head, but don't want to pay hundreds of dollars to see it happen. Here's a few tips for those of you who have no experience making a video, but would like to give it a shot:
1. Story is King
Without a good story line, your video will be hard to watch. Before you get out the camera, sit down and think through exactly where you want to take your audience. Think of it as a roadmap. Where are they now and where do you want them to be? How do we get from point A to point B, and what do you want to show them along the way? Start with the BIG IDEA of the video. What you are trying to say in one phrase. Once you have that phrase at the top of the page, figure out where your audience is, and where you want to take them.
We live in a fast paced world. There's a reason why commercials are very short. We have short attention spans. Try and make your video no longer than 90-120 seconds. If you can't convince me in 120 seconds, you probably won't. Coca-cola does an amazing job telling their story in 90 seconds. Watch their videos and you'll see it's possible. Never make a video longer than 4 minutes. That's way too long.
If you want to use stats in your video, use them to tell the story. Story is much more powerful than stats. I will not remember the statistic you gave me, but I will remember the story of the girl on the street you interview. Steer away from numbers.
2. The 3 main components of video
Once we have the storyline written out, every video has 3 main components: audio, lighting, and a camera to capture the video. Without thinking through any of these components, your video will be terrible.
3. Audio is the most important part of making a video
THE MOST IMPORTANT component of making a video is audio. You can sit through a grainy video on YouTube, you can watch a dark shadow filled video. With terrible audio, your video goes from being decent to unwatchable. This is where you separate the good from the bad videos. Make sure to think through audio above everything else.
Essential Tip: The closer your microphone is to it's subject, the better the sound.
There's several different ways to capture audio, but usually the camera's built in microphone is not one of them. Your camera is placed with your subject in mind, not audio. The farther away you are from the source, the noisier (echoes, hissing, ambient sounds, inaudible words) the shot will be. The best way to capture the audio is to use some sort of additional recording device as close to the source of the sound as possible. You want to position your microphone absolutely as close as possible without being seen in the shot. You can even you an iPhone as a recording device, as long as it's within just a few feet away. I have been using a condenser microphone on a boom stand directly above the subject. With this setup, I can get the microphone inches away from the subjects head without seeing the mic in the frame. It's amazing how close you can get the microphone if you are careful. Also, use your composition (makeup of the frame) to your advantage for audio. If your subject is sitting at a table, use a small plant to block the view of the camera from the recording device or microphone. As long as you cant see the microphone and you can get good sound, it's fair game. Be creative.
You can buy a lapel that plugs directly into a smart phone to get the mic very close. I am not a huge fan of lapels because people typically do not naturally wear a mic strapped to their shirt all the time. It just doesn't look natural to me. If you can find a way to hide it so I don't know it's there, use it!
4. Lighting is more important than the video itself
Similarly to audio, lighting is more important than actually shooting the video. The way all cameras work is through lighting. The brighter the subject, the better the quality. Make sure to take time and think through lighting. A standard studio style of lighting is 3 Point Lighting. When shooting a video indoors, I usually have a main light on the subject, a light cancelling the shadows from the main light, and then some sort of light behind the subject to help create depth and dynamics. You can get creative with your lighting. Use everyday household lights or even a shop light! You'll be surprised of the difference in quality if you think through your lighting.
You do not need to spend TONS of money on lighting. We have used bright shop lights covered with wax paper to make the light softer. I have used the glow from a TV for back lighting. I have used a simple light bulb to help fill in the light. Don't forget, daylight is free. Position your subject near a window and you get lighting for free!
Be creative! This week I was helping someone create a welcome video for their website. We used a pulpit, music stand and shop light to help light up the already lit room. It makes a huge difference!
A few lighting tips: If you are shooting someone with glasses, move the light higher to avoid glare on their glasses. If you add a light behind the subject, but can't see the light directly in the camera frame, you will create a defining glow around your subject. If you are outdoors on a sunny day with strong shadows, stand under a tree in the shadows to shoot your subject, but make sure there are no holes in the shadows for light to shine through on your subject. This is very distracting.
The brighter the shot, the less your camera has to compensate for low lighting, making a better image. Take a few extra moments to think through how to get great lighting. Take a test shot, even with street interviews. Think through a few spots that would be great lighting for the interview before asking your subject to share.
5. Turn the camera horizontal
It amazes me how many videos I see someone shooting vertical. I have never ever seen a vertical tv in someone's home. Remember, if you are shooting a video, turn the camera on it's side and take the shot long ways. No exceptions.
Speaking of the camera, here's a few tips:
- Don't shoot 4K. Even if your camera has it, your computer probably isn't fast enough to edit 4K yet. Mine isn't... and I do this for a living.
- Shoot a few seconds before and a few seconds after. It's better to have a little extra film than not enough.
- Shoot some B roll. Grab some supplemental footage of the area you are recording. Try to shoot some additional footage of the subject at a different angle, possibly grab some of the surrounding environment, maybe even record some close up shots of something to help tell your story. Be creative. You will use this footage later to help enhance your final product. Once again, its always better to have too much footage.
- The rule of thirds. If you are not familiar, divide your camera into 3 sections both vertical and horizontal and stick your subject on one of the points. It will look better. It's always fun to break rules, but... it's a rule for a reason.
- Stabilization is key. Figure out a way to keep your camera from shaking. iPhones have good image stabilization, but it's not perfect. If theres no need to hold the camera, find a way to prop it up. I use a tripod for most of my stabilization. Don't overlook stabilization.
6. Editing/Final touches
If you are considering making your own video, chances are you have some sort of editing software. iMovie, for a beginner, is not too bad. Simply drag your footage and assets (things like logos and motion graphics) into your editor and organize them from the beginning so they are all easy to find.
Line up your recorded audio and recorded video with the sound waves from both files in the editor. Line up the peaks and valleys until it sounds very close, and then mute the bad audio.
Transitions are exactly what you think they are: the transition between two clips. Don't get too crazy. crossfade, straight cut, etc. The longer and more dramatic the transition, typically the cheesier it is. Think fast. Don't have any extra time in your clip or it will feel too long. Remember you only have 90 seconds to work with anyways. To break up long sections of talking, overlay your B roll you shot on site to help keep the attention of your viewer. Use your B roll to help tell your story, not distract from it. Remember timing is everything when it comes to a consistent project.
Words: Sometimes you will want to add words/sentences/titles to your video. Keep it simple. The fewer the better. Make sure to have a large margin around your text and make it easy to read. Never overlap text. It doesn't look good and it's hard to read. It comes across as a mistake, not art.
7. Background Music
Music is a very powerful part of your video. It can change the mood instantly.
Just because you purchased the new album from David Crowder, does not mean you have the right to use it in your video. Legal music for you to use in your video is considered Royalty free music. There's tons of it available for free online, just search for what you want. Another option is to create your own track in something like GarageBand. Find a loop/track that works for you and have fun creating.
Remember music is to support your audio, not compete. If you are struggling to figure out what you should listen to, chances are your background music is too loud.
Video can be intimidating and the best way to improve your video making capabilities is to make more videos. My first videos were "meh" at best. After doing it for a few months, they were dramatically better. Have fun, remember this is a creative process. Don't feel like you have to do it alone. The more people involved, the more ideas you will have to work with. Ask for help.
If you have any questions to get started in your video making, I would love to help you! Feel free to ask.
Apps for Worship
This week I went to the Apple Store and bought a gigantic 12.9" iPad for Evident Church. I may have a problem. When I walk in the Apple Store, the employees recognize me! Needless to say, I am a huge fan of using technology to its fullest...
This week I went to the Apple Store and bought a gigantic 12.9" iPad for Evident Church. I may have a problem. When I walk in the Apple Store, the employees recognize me! Needless to say, I am a huge fan of using technology to its fullest when it comes to leading worship. When the iPad was first released, I was skeptical. I didn't see why I would need one if I had a computer and an iPhone. The advantage of having a tablet has been a game changer for me. The reason: developers have created apps for specific purposes of my life. Because of my iPad, I no longer have to carry additional books or chord charts along... and I have every single one with me!
Here's a few of the apps I use specifically for leading worship. Without these apps, life would be much more difficult!
OnSong - Chord Chart Management App
When I purchased this app several years ago it was only a few bucks. Now, it's closer to $20. Although it comes with a pretty hefty price tag, for me it's totally worth it. This app is essentially my chart book. It's able to handle chord pro style, or you can download pdfs right into it. I store all of my music charts and I'm able to create set lists each week. I play through the first song and swipe to the right and the next song is in order for me. If we need to change a key or add a capo, it's just a click away. No need to ever print out music again! I use a looptimus foot pedal connected with a USB cable to control my iPad through midi signals. This let's me control the iPad hands free. I can add sticky notes, rearrange charts and even sync the iPad with others on the stage. This app continues to improve and become more stable. I can't imagine trying to go back to sheet music.
Planning Center - Church Management Software
If you are living under a rock, planning center is a mega organization these days. More than just an app, this service allows you to schedule musicians and set lists, store content, check in your kids, send emails and much more. This app easily allows me to communicate with my team leaving notes for the service order and pretty much anything else I can think of. Most churches I work with these days use planning center. There is a subscription fee for the service but this app is free. This is the industry standard when it comes to church service organization.
YouVersion Bible App
You can't list apps to lead worship without mentioning a bible app. The YouVersion Bible app is a great tool with pretty much any version you like. You can take notes, highlight, find reading plans and more. Our church actually has a YouVersion event you can even follow along with the sermon notes. I love always having the Bible with me, no matter where I am. The best part, it's free! Everyone should have this app on their phone. Everyone.
Loop Community Prime MultiTracks App
For the past several years we have been using loops/tracks in worship with a click track (metronome). We've tried many different apps to run our loops and tracks, and have recently landed on using Loop Community's Prime App. The beauty of this app is the simplicity. We can store all of our loops in the app and when there's no loop, we can load just a click track. Ableton Live is our preference, but when it comes to simplicity, this app is hard to beat to run our loops. You can upload your own loops, or purchase loops from a community base online at loopcommunity.com. They usually have a free app of the month, so make sure to check that out!
GarageBand Music Creation app
Don't write this one off because it's a free app from Apple. This app is very powerful. Loaded with great sounds and loops, we've used this app live and for recording parts we need to add to our sound. We've even plugged the iPad into a midi controller and used this to run keyboard synths and pads. I've used this app with my looptimus pedal as well. This one is free, download it, play around and have fun with it. If you are going to use your app for live performance I suggest you get an interface that works with iOS devices and a USB cable adaptor. Someday I will discuss this in detail.
Novation LaunchPad Music Creation App
I use this one for a few things. This is an EDM style music creation app. There's a grid of squares and each grid is a different sample. you can play one square in each column making an unlimited amount of different sounds. I use this app to create backing tracks, music for worship videos, or just to hype up the atmosphere in the room. You can buy different packs and they have a few different ones. You can make your own pack by uploading new samples or combining samples from different packs. You can even play along with these samples if you can find some that aren't so hardcore. This is a fun app with lots of possibilities for music creation. You can also use this app to fire off loops you've created as well. They've had some great updates over the years making this a powerful app.
Polytune Guitar Tuner App
In a pinch, this app has saved me. I have a polytune tuner on my electric guitar pedal board and a Polytune clip in my acoustic case. As far as tuners, they don't get much better. On occasion, like in Guitar Center, and I am fighting a stubborn guitar, or just need to get the root E tuned in cause it's so messed up from some 12 year old playing it, I always have a guitar tuner with me. This is basically all this app does, but it does it well.
ProRemote ProPresenter Controller
If you use ProPresenter, you can leave your computer plugged in near the projector in a portable situation and control your presentation software from an app. I was leading worship up in Northern Michigan and this was the exact situation. The computer and projector were in the middle of the room and it was very annoying to have to wire the laptop across the room so we set the laptop on the projector crate and used this app to control the lyrics and fire off slides. Very useful. I would highly recommend this to anyone using ProPresenter in a portable situation.
Dropbox, & iBooks, Notes, Reminders Apple Apps
The beauty of an iPad is you always have your work and thoughts with you. Productivity apps are great tools to help you stay organized and keep you on track with what needs to get done. I use a mixture of Apple Notes, Reminders and email to stay on top of what needs to get done. Having a dropbox account lets me share and sync documents with others. All of my books are now digital, always with me. I lose the smell of the freshly printed pages, but having every book I read with me at all times, being able to search words or phrases in every book all at once, taking notes within the books... and then being able to search the notes, it amazes me enough to get over having to lug around a stack of books I need to read. Find a system that works for you an pump out work on your iPad. I have a mac and an iPhone and all of of devices are completely synced. It's a beautiful thing.
At the end of the day, are any of these apps necessary to live? Nope, but they make life easier for me, especially in worship. After using an iPad and these apps for years now, it would be hard to imagine doing ministry without them. It's not impossible, but I am blessed with the right tools to equip me to do my job the best I can.
What apps do you love??
Gear: Photography
I love GEAR! Gear doesn't make you great, but having the right tools makes getting the right shot much easier. For YEARS I've used my iPhone or point-and-shoot Canons on auto mode. It wasn't until the past few years...
I love GEAR! Gear doesn't make you great, but having the right tools makes getting the right shot much easier. For YEARS I've used my iPhone or point-and-shoot Canons on auto mode. It wasn't until the past few years I've invested time and money in learning how to manually shoot with a DSLR and I'm in love. Once you understand how to manually control your camera, you can get some great shots with relatively inexpensive gear! Here's a list of the major components of my camera setup currently.
camera body: CANon Eos 80D
There's a lot of debate right now in the camera world between DSLRs and Mirrorless. It seems as though many DSLR Canon shooters are switching to the Sony lineup, and honestly they are decent cameras loaded with capability. I recently just purchased my first personal DSLR and I took some time working through exactly what I wanted. For me, flexibility was more important than anything. I am both a photographer and videographer. In all honesty, the Sony A series cameras have more features for video (120fps, 4k, etc…) but the DSLR ecosystem Canon has created is unbeatable. I decided the Canon DSLRs still produce great video quality AND I can use the same camera for amazing photography.
Once I decided I wanted to stay with Canon's DSLR lineup, I had to work through if I wanted a full frame or a crop sensor camera. The major advantage with the full frame is low light capability. Bigger sensor equals better low light imaging. The major advantage with the crop sensor is price (which is a big deal for me) and size (which is not really a big deal for me). I ended up buying a crop sensor for the fact I would rather invest in better lenses and eventually upgrade to a full frame camera.
I ended up buying a Canon EOS 80D. This is one of the the top of the line crop sensors from Canon and one of the best DSLRs for video in my opinion. I can wait on 4K. My computer can't handle the editing anyways yet.
RUNNER UP: I was strongly debating between the crop sensor 80D and the full frame 6D. If I was upgrading just for photography, I would have bought the 6D, which is about the same price. The 80D has some really good features for video though, enough to make me choose a crop sensor.
The Canon EOS 80D is known for it's amazing dual-pixel auto-focus, which makes this camera stand out. This high-end auto-focus paired with the articulating touch screen sold me on this camera. I am able to make videos along with having a very impressive photography camera. After having this unit for awhile, I have no regrets on my decision. QUICK TIP: I purchased this camera on Canon's Refurbished website. If you watch for the right deal you can save hundreds! I have also purchased several lenses from their refurbished site and never had a problem.
Favorite Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.8 STM lens
This is by far my favorite lens. It's great for video, it's great for portraits, is great for bokeh, and it's dirt cheap! I bought this lens for less than $100 on Canon's refurbished website. You can't go wrong with it.
I purchased the STM lens because I use it for both photography and video. There's other versions of the same lens, but from what I hear, STM is great for video and I've never had a problem with my STM lenses.
Canon 80D - ISO 800, 50mm, f1.8, 1/80
As much as I want to use other lenses, I seem to always come back to this one because of it's beautiful images and ease of use.
One of the best features of this lens is it has the same "look" as our eyes. Some lenses make things look farther away, or closer up (We'll talk about lens compression later). The 50mm has a similar look to what we see.
Regarding Prime Lenses: There's a lot of debate about prime lenses (fixed lenses you can't zoom). For me, most of the time, the best route is to buy zoom lenses. Prime lenses are typically more expensive for only being able to cover one focal length. The 50mm, aka as the nifty fifty, is a dirt cheap, QUALITY lens. Although it isn't a zoom, this lens is almost always on my camera. For the most part, the best use of your dollar is a zoom lens, but this one wins the "favorite lens" award from me.
Ultra wide angle lens: CANON EF-S 10-18mm STM
When it comes to ultra wide angles in the Canon universe, there's two EF-S lenses: the 10-18mm and the 10-22mm. After researching for weeks, I had the impression the 10-22mm wasn't worth the extra money. I am very happy with my ultra wide lens I chose. Although this is a very particular lens with a particular purpose, It usually ends up staying in my bag.
Ultra wide lenses expand the focal range of the picture along with capturing a very wide angle. With this lens, it's best use is in wide open spaces, such as a lake or cityscape. Getting too close to faces or objects can create a very distorted image.
Canon EOS Rebel T6i - ISO 100, 10mm, f4.5, 1/3200
Along with being able to capture a very wide angle, it essentially stretches the image out. Something 20 feet away looks like 100. This works well on certain things, but not on others. With the right angle, I can make a 25 foot dock look like it goes on forever, but, recently visiting Belle Isle in Detroit, trying to shoot the skyline looked a million miles away. Depending on the look you want, you can create a very unique shot. I've found the best use for ultra wide angle lenses are in Nature, or trying to capture a whole room. At 10mm, you will see distortion in the room. Although this is a fairly slow lens (f4.5-5.6), I find most of the time I use this lens in the daylight with decent light so the aperture still works. Typically you want big landscape images all in sharp focus so depth of field is not an issue either.
Telephoto Lens: Canon EF-s 55-250mm stm
I am always trying to find the balance of having great gear and spending money wisely. If I had the money, I would run out and buy a 70-200L, but that's a $2000 lens. The 55-250mm is surprising good for the price. It's a step up from the 75-300mm lens and you can pick one up for a relatively small amount of cash.
Although this is an inexpensive lens, I am still able to get really nice telephoto shots. The opposite of of a wide angle, a telephoto lens compresses images along with being able to shoot very far away.
Canon EOS 80D - ISO 400, 186mm, f5.6, 1/250
One of my favorite features of a telephoto lens is being able to get a nice depth of field in my images. Even though the aperture is pretty high on this lens (f4.5-5.6), because of the far focal length, I am still able to take clear shots from far away with a nice blurry background because of the distance between the subject and the background. I would suggest any telephoto lens you have NEEDS to have Image Stabilization. The farther away you are, the more magnified your tiny shakes and movements are. Although a smaller f stop would be nice, this lens is a great compromise for the famous L white lens. It's very compact, light, and inexpensive, all things I want in a lens. In the future, I will probably upgrade, but for now I will craft my skill with this telephoto and when I upgrade my gear, I will already have the ability to shoot great shots.
A few Extras
Besides my 3 main lenses (10-18mm, 50mm, 55-250mm) there's a few extra components I use almost every time I go out to shoot.
Manfrotto BeFree Travel Tripod
Manfrotto BeFree Travel Tripod - There's few things I really like about this tripod. This is a very light tripod with a small footprint when it's folded up. In the wind, it's so light, it actually can move so Manfrotto added a hook on the base to hang a backpack to help! This tripod has a built in quick-disconnect base. Another huge plus for me. This tripod is great for photography, but not so much for video. There is a version with a fluid video head you can buy.
Peak Design Clutch
Peak Design Clutch - This is a simple but very effective extra. All this strap does is hold the camera on my hand. I've tried straps that go around my neck, but for me, I love the extra support I feel on the back of my hand with this clutch. It never leaves my camera. If you haven't already, check out Peak Design. This is a solid company with great products. I also use the Capture Pro and Pro Pad for long shoots.
Canon EF-S 24mm f2.8 STM
Canon EF-S 24mm f2.8 STM - This is a 4th lens I occasionally use. It's really useful because of it's small size. With a crop sensor camera, it's about a 38mm so it's technically a wide angle lens. This is a perfect lens for selfies, keeping the camera small or chasing around a 2 year old. I am able to quickly get the close up shot. For around $150 new, you can find a deal on a refurb or used for around $100. It's worth to have on hand for certain occasions.
These are basically the main tools I use every time I go out for a shoot. In all honesty, you can have a great setup for relatively cheap and still get some amazing photos. Gear is important, but you always need to know the equipment you have and use it to it's fullest. Someday I will probably upgrade to a full frame camera and all new L series lenses, but for now, I am able to capture great photography and video. I am very pleased with my setup and proud of the art I am able to accomplish.
What's your favorite piece of gear you have? Do you have any experience with the gear I have?
Reading is a HUGE must for the creative. Here's 5 books you should be reading to help your creativity...
Reading is a HUGE must for the creative. Here's 5 books you should be reading to help your creativity:
DUH! We should all be reading the Bible, Right?! As much as that's true, it doesn't always happen. As creative artists, we must make reading our Bible a daily priority. here's a few reasons why:
- Input/output - What we input is what we will output. If we want to produce healthy output, what better input can we take in than the Bible?! Just remember:
What you say flows from what is in your heart. (Luke 6:45nlt)
- Examples of excellent creativity - There's so much creative content stuffed in the Bible. The whole book of Psalms is just a bunch of poems, that have lasted for thousands of years! When I feel stuck, a great place for me to look for solid content to help my creativity flow is the Bible!
- It's always with me - If you haven't already, download the YouVersion Bible App. What an amazing tool! You can highlight, share, save, make images, there's even an iMessage app. This is a huge tool for me I use throughout my day.
2. Pursuing Christ. Creating Art.
Besides the Bible, this has been the book that has the greatest impact on my life and creativity in the past several years! If you haven't already, I highly recommend it! No, it will not give you tips on how to create more or better, it will help you understand how your creativity works and the purpose of it.
3. The purpose of man
Understanding our purpose will help us in our creativity. Tozer does a great job helping us understand the purpose of why we are here and what we should do about it!
4. Make your idea matter
Story is king. This isn't a fad. Story is king. If you want people to remember your idea, you have to give them a reason to remember. Read this book. Especially if you have your own business.
5. Creativitiy inc.
Speaking of story, this entire book is on the story of Pixar. Just to warn you, this is a book you will have trouble putting down until it's finished! The stores will keep you captivated all the way through with little nuggets of truth to apply to your life. Get it! It's worth it.
Bonus How to be creative: 5 steps to boost your creativity
This is a simple, fast read. Lots of great reminders sprinkled in this little book. These 5 Steps, although simple, are powerful. Check it out. Currently the digital version is free on Amazon!
If you want to be creative, you have got to investing in yourself and your mind. I found myself constantly pouring out and never having any input and I had nothing left.
What books have you read to help fuel your creativity?